Description of an obstructive urolithiasis outbreak in feedlot cattle
Cereals, Uroliths, Urethral obstruction, PhosphorusAbstract
It is described an obstructive urolithiasis outbreak in feedlot cattle occurred in September 2010, in Paysandú, Uruguay (Latitude 31º53’0.03”S; Longitude 57º3’24.46”O). There were affected 132 Hereford and Crossbreed 2-to-3 year old steers that were fed with a concentrate based on cereals and a mineral premix. The most important lesions in all animals were in the urinary system: pale kidneys without cortex-medullar differentiation and many calculi in the renal pelvis. Six steers that died in the feedlot had also urethral obstruction in the sigmoideal flexure and rupture of the urinary bladder. Calculi analysis determined that it was composed of struvite. Main predisposing factor for obstructive urolithiasis in this outbreak was the imbalance diet trough a high intake of concentrate. There were no more cases since preventive managing measures were implemented.