Pneumonia in cat caused by Enterobacter (Pantoea) agglomerans, a case report


  • A. Decuadro Departamento de Pequeños Animales, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de la República. Lasplaces 1620, Montevideo.
  • N. Ruiz Departamento de Pequeños Animales, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de la República. Lasplaces 1620, Montevideo.
  • P. Martino Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos, Facultad de Veterinaria, UdelaR.
  • T. Sala Departamento de Pequeños Animales, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de la República. Lasplaces 1620, Montevideo.
  • A. Benech Departamento de Pequeños Animales, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de la República. Lasplaces 1620, Montevideo.


Pneumonia, Cat, Pantoea agglomerans


Previously called Enterobacter agglomerans, known to­day as Pantoea agglomerans is a gram negative bacillus, without capsule, facultative aerobic, that belongs to En­terobacteriacea family. It lives in plants, ground, water, human skin, animal and human feces. It is responsible for the majority of the nosocomial infections in human med­icine, causing infections related to intravenous infusions, neonatal meningitis and septic arthritis as a result of prick­ing with thorn plants (Kratz y Greenberg, 2003; Sauvezie y Sirot, 2000). In this article we report a case of a male cat (Felis catus), 7 years old, with chronic respiratory dis­ease, which didn´t response to a treatment with common use antibiotics, so we made a lung puncture, where was isolate Pantoea agglomerans. This microorganism was never communicated as a cause of this pathology in cats and resulted to be resistant to common use antibiotics.



How to Cite

Decuadro, A., Ruiz, N., Martino, P., Sala, T., & Benech, A. (2015). Pneumonia in cat caused by Enterobacter (Pantoea) agglomerans, a case report. Veterinaria (Montevideo), 51(198), 26–31. Retrieved from



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