La dihidroergotoxina en el tratamiento de la seudopreñez de la perra y en la interrupción de la galactorrea y la lactación de la perra y la gata


  • G. Triacca Ejercicio liberal, Técnico de IMVET.
  • A. Pesquera Prof. Adjunto de Cirugía, Director de IMVET (Instituto Medico Veterinario). Nicaragua 1918, Montevideo.


Dog, Cat, Lactation, Pseudopregnancy, Therapy


This paper describes the therapeutic response to dihydroergotoxin when administered to 16 bitches afected by pseudopregnancy to 4 bitches and 5 she-cats in which lactation had to be arrested and 2 bitches aflected by galactorrhea.

This ergot alcaloides derivate was effective and syntoms retroceded when administered orally at 0,2 mg/k daily during 72 hours followed by 0,1 mg/k daily during 96 hours.

The behaviour changes of pseudopregnancy retroded about four days while galactorrhea retroceded about six days and lactation was stopped about five days after beginning of tratement.

50% of animal treated kept on presenting a slight mamarian serous secretion after  the sixth day of treatment.



How to Cite

Triacca, G., & Pesquera, A. (1983). La dihidroergotoxina en el tratamiento de la seudopreñez de la perra y en la interrupción de la galactorrea y la lactación de la perra y la gata. Veterinaria (Montevideo), 19(85), 68–69. Retrieved from