Some aspects of the management and wool grade

I. The colour of uruguayan wool. Prediction of the susceptibility to yellow discolouration. II. Importance of the coloured fibres. Chemical crutching.


  • L.A. Bonifacino Docente. Cátedra de Producción Ovina y Lanas. Instituto de Producción Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria.


Wool colour, Yellowing, Chemical, Crutching


Two inlportant factors of uruguayan wool depreciation are yellow discolouration and coloured fibres as contaminants.

It has been demostrated by means of a simple incubation technique that it is posible under warm moist conditions, to predict susceptibility to fleece yelloowing, and therefore to Rank sheep for selecton woth accuracy.

Clorured-tained Febres can be reduced by chemical crutching. Same treatment has been used suscessfully on the jowl of sheep predisposed to wool blindness.

The present work discuhs the utilization of both techniques on the improvement of wool grade.



How to Cite

Bonifacino, L. (1984). Some aspects of the management and wool grade: I. The colour of uruguayan wool. Prediction of the susceptibility to yellow discolouration. II. Importance of the coloured fibres. Chemical crutching. Veterinaria (Montevideo), 20(88-89), 71–74. Retrieved from



Technical Notes