Grado de lana en la cara de las razas ovinas explotadas en el Uruguay


  • R. Kremer M.V., B. S.c.; M. Sc.; Unidad de Produción Ovina y Lanas. Facultad de Veterinaria.
  • G. Barbato M. V.; Unidad de Producción Ovina y Lanas. Facultad de Veterinaria.
  • R. Billotto M.V.; Instituto de Producción Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria.
  • F. Perdigon M.V.; Campos Experimentales. Facultad de Veterinaria.


Wool, Sheep


During the 1984 manual Farmer's Show, the face cover score of 316 Merino, Polwarth, Merilin, Corriedale and Romney Marsh sheep was recorded. A diagramatic standard ranging from 2 to 9 was used to score face cover. The averge score of face caver of male and female sheep was: Merino, 5,25 ± 0,45; Polmarth, 6.50 ± 0.59; Merilín, 7,41 ± 0,62; Curriedale, 7,37 ± 0,68 and Romney Marsh, 7,31 ± 0,54.

Average commercial flocks do not produce their ewe rams buy buy them at this Show; there are not enough open face sheep to significantly reduce face cover of commercial flocks in a short time.



How to Cite

Kremer, R., Barbato, G., Billotto, R., & Perdigon, F. (1985). Grado de lana en la cara de las razas ovinas explotadas en el Uruguay. Veterinaria (Montevideo), 21(91), 32–35. Retrieved from



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