Gastrointestinal parasites in rats and their relationship to some elements of the environment and management practices in biotheriums


  • S. Hernández DMTV. Bioterio. Instituto de Higiene. Facultad de Medicina.
  • M. Paparamborda DM. Cátedra y Departamento de Parasitología. Facultad de Medicina.
  • A. Acuña DM. Cátedra de Medicina Preventiva y Social. Facultad de Medicina.
  • D. Elhordoy DV. Departamento de Reproducción. Facultad de Veterinaria.
  • T. Puppo DM. Cátedra y Departamento de Parasitología. Facultad de Medicina.
  • J. Vignolo DM. Cátedra y Departamento de Parasitología. Facultad de Medicina.


Gastrointestinal parasites, Rats, Laboratory animal facilities, Environment, Husbandry practices


In order to identify the relations between endoparasite infections in rat colonies and animal housing environment and husbandry practices, a descriptive research was carried out, in six laboratory animals facilities in Montevideo, Uruguay, during the first semester of 1998. A survey was administered to a qualified personnel and was verified by a specialist professional. The prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites was higher in the laboratory animal facilities without environmental control, feed storage and insects and rodents control. The microenvironment has: non sterilised bedding, enough bedding changes and space per animal. They do not have specific cages, parasites and feed monitoring.



How to Cite

Hernández, S., Paparamborda, M., Acuña, A., Elhordoy, D., Puppo, T., & Vignolo, J. (2000). Gastrointestinal parasites in rats and their relationship to some elements of the environment and management practices in biotheriums. Veterinaria (Montevideo), 35(141), 15–20. Retrieved from