Scientific research at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Uruguay

sectors demanding funding, demand satisfaction and scientific production. 1999-2004


  • L. Delucchi Departamento de Patología y Clínica de Pequeños Animales. Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de la República. Lasplaces 1550. CP 11600. Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • E. Nogueira Oficina CSIC. Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de la República.


Veterinary research, Scientific papers, Financial support


The aim of this work was to quantify the demand of financial support for research projects, the response for this demand and the results at the Veterinary School, Universidad de la República, Uruguay, between 1999 and 2004. Academics áreas and their demands were identified and results related to the funded research projects were assessed. The research was based on information available at the Sectorial Comission for Scientific Research (CSIC) of the Universidad de la República and at the National Institute for Agriculture Research (INIA). A 3 years period since the acceptance of the project was considered as an acceptable interval to obtain results for the present evaluation. The result accepted for the present study was the publication of a scientific paper in a peer reviewed journal. Search engines provided by the Universidad de la República were used ( One hundred and seventeen out of 234 presented projects (49%) obtained financial support with only 16 papers published that were submitted. The Biosciences and Pathobiology Institutes published 6 papers each one. The total amount provided for support of the funded projects was U$ 664.298 (United States Dollars).  Although the method used to evaluate these results on scientific research could may be considered as having limitations, the published articles could be used to measure the final destiny of scant resources.


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How to Cite

Delucchi, L., & Nogueira, E. (2008). Scientific research at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Uruguay: sectors demanding funding, demand satisfaction and scientific production. 1999-2004. Veterinaria (Montevideo), 43(172), 23–26. Retrieved from



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