Acaricide activity of the essential oil of Azaridactha Indica in the treatment of dog demodecic scabies


  • Y. Labrada Hechavarría Centro de Estudio de Química Aplicada. Universidad de Granma. Carretera vía Manzanillo, km 171/2 Peralejo. Granma, Cuba.
  • J. M. Cordoví Velázquez Laboratorios de Líquidos Orales (MEDILIP). Departamento de Investigación y Desarrollo. Carretera vía Santiago de Cuba,km845.Bayamo. Granma, Cuba.
  • M. Rapado Paneque Centro de Aplicaciones Tecnologías y Desarrollo Nuclear (CEADEN). Departamento de Radiobiología. Calle: 30 Nº 502 e/ 5ta Ave y 7ma.Playa.
  • R. Perdomo Rivera Centro de Estudio de Química Aplicada. Universidad de Granma. Carretera vía Manzanillo,km 171/2 Peralejo. Granma, Cuba.


Mangedemodecic, Biopreparation, Essentialoil


With the aim to evaluate the acaricide activity of the es­sential oil of the Azaridachta Indica (AE) in front of the Dermodex canis, causal agent of demodectic mange, the effects, to different dose, were examined. In the study in vivo were used sample of 24 animals separated in two groups: 12 females and 12 males, with positive diagnosis­es of demodectic mange to the scraped of skin. Animals were trated with preparations to different concentrations (1%, 10% and 20%). The studied dose turned out to be effective in the treatment against the acarusDemodex ca­nis. The results were compared to the obtained for each level of concentrations studied, between the sexes and the taxes of average recoveries; through analysis of multiple ranges, for lower significant difference (LSD) to 95% of confidence. The formulation of the biopreparation to the 1 %, from the clinical, toxicological and economic point of view, proved to be the best-suited dose.


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How to Cite

Labrada Hechavarría, Y., Cordoví Velázquez, J. M., Rapado Paneque, M., & Perdomo Rivera, R. (2015). Acaricide activity of the essential oil of Azaridactha Indica in the treatment of dog demodecic scabies. Veterinaria (Montevideo), 51(197), 11–23. Retrieved from



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