Canine myodistrophic syndrome similar to human Duchenne-Becker myodistrophy


  • E. Terranova Veterinaria Lav. ALL QUIMIA. Montevideo, Uruguay.


Myodistrophy, Duchenne-Becker, Dog


A Duchenne-Becker like Myodiftrophy on dog is being present about a Dastchund female six-year-old. The subject had symetric muscle atrophy on crannial and neck groups as well as proximal atrophy of extensor hindlimbs muscles. The signals were hyperrephlexia with muscle hypertronic response of affected areas keeping deambulatory capacity, therefore it was parethic. Methabolical, endocrine, inflammatory and infectious related diseases were discharted by agreeing paraclinical tests. Creatin Phosphokinase (CPK) and Aspartate Amino Transferase (AST) serum levels were determined and they were higher than twofold of top of the range. Muscle byopsy was realized. Eosyne-Hematoxiline; Gommori's trichromic modified by Engel and NADHdiaforase techniques were employed. Fiber's diameter changes were found with low hyalinization. The byopsy specimens didn't show grouping of kind of fibers condriomma disorders neither leucocytary infiltration. An increase of endomysial connective tissue and fattyone were observed. Same syndromes were presented on subject's father and their grandsons with evolution to death. Duchenne as well as Becker myodistrophy both due by mutant gene which is located on Xp21 in human being. Therefore are X linked inheritance. The develop of this disease on males parent and second generation seem to be compatible with X linked heredity. Nevertheless, these syndromes were also described on females which are homocygotic mutant gene's carrier. In these cases the syndrome presents less mortality and severity of clinical signs. In concordance to signals and paraclinical data, is being presents in canine Duchene-Becker like Myodistrophy.



How to Cite

Terranova, E. (1998). Canine myodistrophic syndrome similar to human Duchenne-Becker myodistrophy. Veterinaria (Montevideo), 34(139 - 140), 17–22. Retrieved from